United States Locations

Allow Wendell Services group network of logistic and just in time delivery to empower your global sourcing and logistic needs while navigating the future with complex logistic challanges.

Covering the globe with consistency, yard after yard and with confidence knowing our quality standards follow your production in every corner of the world you may be manfacturing

Consider these advantages when you bring your production requirements into Wendell’s global link family

Baltimore Location

Diversified Textiles-Wendell Services

4715 East Wabash Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
Phone 443 919 6443
Fax 443-919-6450

David Handlir
Cell 410 409 9477


California Location

Wendell Global Interlinings

3113-3121 E. 26th Street
Vernon, CA. 90023
Toll Free: (800) 741-0405

Sales - Tom@wendellservices.com
Phone: 1-562-412-8244
